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Manufacturing Company

By Administrator on 07 February 2024
Success Stories
Require a reliable remote IT support service available 24 hours a day.

The company employs over 500 employees around the world. They required a reliable remote IT support service, available 24 hours a day for their global workforce. 

An in-house solution was briefly considered. However, with staff spread across the world, an in-house solution would have necessitated a number of IT staff working in shifts. This would have proved expensive, and in turn resulted in fluctuations between them being over- or under-resourced. Following consultation, Innovate was able to demonstrate that it could offer a more efficient and cost-effective IT support solution for them. 

We deliver our responsive remote IT support service via our large and experienced IT helpdesk. Their employees staff can submit IT issues and queries via telephone or email which are manned 24/7. Our secure remote access technology allows us to then view and access their IT equipment remotely and resolve their issues. They now get fast-resolution for their issues wherever they are based, with guaranteed response times.  

While over 99% of IT support requirements can be dealt with remotely, should support be required onsite at their location, Innovate can send an engineer within an SLA time frame to resolve the issue. 

Our 24/7 remote IT support service is delivered by Innovate’s own engineers (we do not outsource to call centres). This means that whatever time or wherever they are in the world, the customers employees are always able to contact an Innovate engineer who has updated knowledge of their systems and processes. That way, they are able to get a faster resolution for their IT issues.  

Innovate also provides proactive IT support for them, in the form of Proactive General Maintenance days. These are days dedicated to improving systems and processes with the aim of reducing IT-related disruption. Our engineers will work through a list of checks and patching related to their systems, advising about any areas requiring improvements.  

Proactive General Maintenance time can also be used by the management to strategise the development of the company’s infrastructure with one of Innovate’s consultants or specialists. Our expertise can guide system developments in line with Innovate’s business goals while avoiding potentially expensive or disruptive development mistakes. 

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