Technology reliant businesses must have a reliable business continuity and recovery plan to promptly bounce back from a disruptive event to ensure critical services are efficiently restored and operations can be resumed swiftly.
Business continuity planning involves a set of processes and procedures to be put in place to ensure routine operations can be maintained and mission-critical functions are not disrupted during or after an unexpected event.
Should unexpected service failure occur, resilient systems and professional support will ensure efficient handling of such incidents.
Our fully automated, cost-effective, comprehensive managed backup and disaster recovery solutions can help safeguard your business from varied threats from ransomware to flooding and protect your valuable business assets by avoiding data loss or any associated risks.
At Innovate we specialise in building, maintaining and supporting highly reliable, modern and efficient IT infrastructures that natively include resilient backend systems, backup and disaster recovery processes irrespective of the cloud implementation or physical location of mission-critical assets.
Our high-availability solutions are designed so that systems are managed effectively, protected and securely backed up. Our expertise also includes managed servers and workloads on Microsoft's Azure cloud platform or in our own private data centre.
With your business success in mind, all our services are delivered with backup and disaster recovery built-in as a standard.
Increase business resillence and protect business data with a robust IT disaster recovery plan
Secure business critical data with a comprehensive backup strategy
Plan, understand current setup and develop a new business continuity and disaster recovery strategy
How we can help?
With your business success in mind, all our services are delivered with backup and disaster recovery built in as a standard.