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Microsoft 365

The benefits of doing business with Microsoft 365

As an award-winning and leading provider of this cloud-based subscription software, we are expert in the implementation and migration of Microsoft 365 and can empower you to leverage the full business benefits of this innovative solution. Essentially Microsoft 365 integrates the Microsoft Office suite (including applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, OneNote and Outlook) along with Microsoft’s hosted servers (such as SharePoint, Exchange and Skype for Business). Being cloud-based, Microsoft 365 provides the ultimate in flexibility, scalability and ease and speed of deployment and use.



Now is the time to Implement or Migrate to Microsoft 365.

Innovate  has multiple Office 365 certified engineers on staff at our offices to ensure success when leveraging this powerful cloud platform. As a leading Microsoft certified partner, we’ve flawlessly managed  hundreds of implementations and migrations of Microsoft 365 SharePoint for numerous small and medium-sized business around the globe. Implementing or migrating Microsoft 365 can be a demanding SaaS (Software as a Service) deployment but with careful planning and preparation as standard, we ensure there’s no data loss or business interruption.

Smooth and stress-free transition

For example, we’ll take into account an array of important factors -from latency, performance and bandwidth to Internet gateway requirements – before we begin.

Ultimately, we believe a move to Microsoft 365 should free up your business to achieve greater success, not put it on hold.

So our comprehensive installation and migration services will take you from an on-premises to online platform in a smooth, stress-free transition. One where you never have to worry about your day-to-day tools such as e-mail, domain names or software licences.


Our vastly experienced and expert Microsoft consultants can help you to:

  • Implement the Microsoft Cloud
  • Install and manage Microsoft 365
  • Migrate to Microsoft 365 from other legacy platforms
  • deploy additional applications such as SharePoint

We’ll work closely with you on an in-depth audit of your IT infrastructure, provide a roadmap for your Microsoft 365 adoption or migration, ensure it meets the needs of your business today and tomorrow and then help you plan your journey to the digital transformation that will transform your business.

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